SuperMemo collections to other languages |
These are detailed instructions for translating SuperMemo
to a given language:
Creating translation registry
To translate your collection to a selected language
start with creating the translation registry:
Choose File : SuperMemo
: Level : Professional
Choose Tools : Options
: Language
At Collection translation type the name of the
Close the Options dialog
by choosing OK
Translate the collection
using either interactive translation
(simpler and more reliable but requiring the use of SuperMemo) or using
text files (easier in teams and not requiring the translators to know
or use SuperMemo)
translation (single translator)
To proceed with interactive translation of your collection
do the following (recommended for an individual translator):
Make sure that no repetitions have been done in your
collection (pending queue will be used to proceed in the optimum translation
Make sure the translation registry for your language
has been created (i.e that you passed all steps from the previous paragraph).
You can see translation registry files at <SuperMemo
directory>\systems\<your collection name>\translat\<translation language>.*
Go to the first element
in the pending queue (e.g. open the pending
browser with View : Pending)
Right-click the button Next (on
the navigation toolbar) and choose Next pending element (this
way you will be moving along the pending queue why pressing Alt+PgUp
Use Alt+PgUp and Alt+PgDn to move between
pages (or Ctrl+G to jump to a specific page; note that page numbers
are not related to the order in the pending
On each page, locate all text components and use Shift+click
to open translation dialog box for each
Type in the translation in the lower pane (the original
stays unchanged in the upper pane). Note that the texts you have translated
in earlier pages will already be translated
See useful tips below for more information
Translation in text files (team
To proceed with translation in text files do the
following (recommended for team translation):
Make sure the translation registry for your language
has been created (i.e that you passed all steps from the paragraph devoted
to creating the translation registry). You can see translation registry
files at <SuperMemo directory>\systems\<your
collection name>\translat\<translation language>.*
Decide which branches
of the knowledge tree in the contents
window should be translated by individual translators
Create subset files
for each branch. For this purpose do the following:
click the selected branch in the contents window
open the pop-up menu with
choose Tools : Save as subset from the pop-up
Export individual branches as text files with File
: Tools : Export : Translation:
choose Sorting : By occurrence
choose Output texts : Not translated
choose Output elements : Subset
use Browse to select the subset files created
in the previous step
leave Do not output duplicated entries unchecked
leave Output context checked
Let the translators replace ??? strings in exported
text files with appropriate translations (do not change anything else in
the file!)
As soon as individual translated files are becoming
available, import them with File : Tools : Import
: Translation
Note that the same strings translated differently by
different authors will be merged. This is not an error-proof procedure
and you will have to manually resolve the import conflicts. File : Tools
: Import : Translation will generate a report with all merged entries
listed. The fastest way to resolve merged strings is:
copy the original string from the import report file
to the clipboard
using Search : Text registry,
paste the string in the search input box
correct the translation directly in the text registry
as it appears on the screen
Useful tips:
In most elements, you can use PgDn and PgUp
instead of Alt+PgUp and Alt+PgDn
Do not change the original texts in text files, even
if you find mistakes! Otherwise, your translation will not be importable
to the mother collection
You can easily review, search for and change translations
by using Search : Other registries : <Language>
translation. The same can be accomplished with Search
: Text registry with this difference that search and sorting will concern
only the original texts
The percent of the work done can be viewed in the caption
of the translation registry (Search : Other registries : <Language>
When working in a team, try to minimize the differences
in translating individual entries by frequently exporting and importing
back partly translated files. This will also reduce the duplicated effort
of translators working on different branches
To see untranslated entries in text registry (Search
: Text registry), you can choose Select untranslated on the
registry pop-up menu. Untranslated members
will be displayed as a registry subset