SuperMemo Nederland: Op dit adres verschijnt binnenkort de website van
SuperMemo Nederland, het enige verkooppunt voor Nederland van de speed-learning
software SuperMemo
at MegaMega - Basado
en la técnica de aprendizaje rápido -y efectivo- desarrollada
en Polonia en los 80 y en continuo desarrollo, este software permite preparar
cualquier materia de manera que la velocidad de aprendizaje y el porcentaje
de retención se acerque al máximo teórico de cada
P. Wozniak, zabývající se procesy zapamatování
informací v lidském mozku, vyvinul teorii, podle níz,
zjednodušene receno, je k uchování informací v lidské
pameti nutné tyto informace v urcitých casových odstupech
opakovat, jinak je clovek zpravidla zapomene. Z Wozniakovy teorie vyplývá,
ze lze najít (statisticky) optimální casový
interval, kdy je treba urcitou informaci obnovit. Tento interval tedy nemá
být ani príliš krátký, ani príliš dlouhý.
Metoda SuperMemo tyto optimální intervaly urcuje a tím
optimalizuje proces ucení. Blizší informace o metode SuperMemo
získáte zde nebo prímo u autora na adrese wozniak@supermemo.com
3.0 for Amiga from Twin Spark Soft - Program jest amigowska wersja
popularnego programu na komputery typu IBM PC o tej samej nazwie. Program
w wersji oryginalnej byl wielokrotnie nagradzany i wyrózniany
Web: Software Showcase - SuperMemo may appear to be software for
cramming, but it is a great tool for boosting creativity
- SuperMemo minimizes the effects of forgetting and the overall time needed
for learning. This is done by scheduling repetitions of knowledge items
in carefully determined intervals of time
speed-learning software - SuperMemo makes it possible to greatly
reduce time needed to memorize and retain knowledge in the student's memory
at Integrated Commerce - With optimal schedule of repetitions served
to you by SuperMemo, you waste no time on repeating material you know well!
- "As it is written in the Book about Memory and Reminiscence, the subject
matter that you have learned must be firmly committed to memory through
exceedingly frequent repetition. So the student will read something on
Monday, and review and study it on Tuesday, and also on Wednesday, and
the new material from Tuesday will also be reviewed on Wednesday and so
on for the rest of the week. By proceeding in this way, you will be more
knowledgeable in one year than others who have followed the same course
for six years, and I advise the artist of my Art, or anyone wanting to
learn, to make sure that you seek out and find this method, and master
it until you possess it". Blessed Raymond, in the Book for Strengthening
- SuperMemo is a multimedia study tool which can greatly increase the effectiveness
of learning of any subject represented as text, graphics or sound. Program
allows you to reach the maximum possible speed of learning for a given
level of knowledge retention. SuperMemo adapts the learning strategy to
individual capabilities of the student and is an unparalleled tool in mastering
foreign languages, studying sciences, medicine and other subjects where
memorising a large number of names (formulas etc.) is the key issue. By
optimizing the spacing of repetitions, SuperMemo makes it possible to reduce
the time needed to memorize and retain knowledge. Over a long period and
for high levels of knowledge retention, the gain may be up to 50-fold!
This incredible figure can be reached by applying a unique algorithm for
scheduling repetitions. SuperMemo computes the longest possible inter-repetition
interval that results in a selected level of knowledge retention
- Based on research into memory and learning, SuperMemo Speed Learning
is particular useful for students sitting exams or anyone trying to learn
and remember specialized knowledge. SuperMemo claims to accelerate the
speed of learning from ten to fifty times as compared to conventional methods.
This is regardless of your intelligence, memory characteristics, learned
subject, weather, or luck.
Wenn Sie weitere Web-Seiten mit
Informationen über SuperMemo kennen, informieren Sie uns bitte: webmaster@supermemo.de