a neural network to solving the repetition spacing problem |
Bartosz Dreger
Jakub Kachlicki
Krzysztof Krawiec
Mikolaj Plazewski
Piotr Wierzejewski
Piotr Wozniak
Dec 12, 1997
Last update: Jul 23, 1998 |
Network SuperMemo
It has long been postulated that neural
networks might provide the most sound basis for solving the repetition
spacing problem in SuperMemo. Due to their plasticity, neural networks
might provide the most valid way to detect the user profile and classify
individual knowledge elements into difficulty classes. The algebraic solution
developed by Dr. Wozniak is partly heuristic and is based on a number of
assumptions that not always have a solid theoretical basis. This does not
change the fact that the Algorithm SM-8 as used
in SuperMemo 8 seems to closely approached the maximum speed of learning
that repetition spacing might produce. Read the text below to learn more
about a research project run in the Institute of Computer Science at
University of Technology in Poznan (headed by Prof. Roman Slowinski)
in cooperation with SuperMemo Research (headed by Dr P.A. Wozniak), whose
purpose is to verify the neural network approach and assess technical feasibility
of neural network application in currently available version of SuperMemo.
If successful, the research results will be applied in developing future
versions of SuperMemo. Initially, as an alternative plug-in algorithm and
later ... perhaps as the best repetition spacing algorithm available. We
hereby invite comments on the presented approach by all interested parties |
The repetition spacing problem consists
in computing optimum inter-repetition intervals in the process of human
learning. The intervals are computed for individual pieces of information
(later called items) and for a given individual. The entire input data
are grades obtained by the student in repetitions of items in the learning
process. This problems has until now be most effectively solved by means
of a successive series of algorithms known commercially as SuperMemo and
developed by Dr. Wozniak at SuperMemo World, Poland. Wozniak’s model of
memory used in developing the most recent version of the algorithm (Algorithm
SM-8) cannot be considered as the ultimate algebraic description of
human long-term memory. Most notably, the relationship between the complexity
of the synaptic pattern and item difficulty is not well understood. More
light on this relationship might be shed once a neural network is employed
to provide adequate mapping between the memory status, grading and the
item difficulty.
Using current state-of-the-art solutions,
the technical feasibility of a neural network application in a real-time
learning process seems to depend on the appropriate application of the
understanding of the learning process to adequately define the problems
that will be posed to the neural network. It would be impossible to expect
the network to generate the solution upon receiving the input in the form
of the history of grades given in the course of repetitions of thousands
of items. The computational and space complexity of such an approach would
naturally run well beyond the network’s ability to learn and respond in
real time.
Using Wozniak’s model of two components
of long-term memory we postulate that the following neural network solution
might result in fast convergence and high repetition spacing accuracy.
The two memory variables needed to
describe the state of a given engram are retrievability (R) and stability
(S) of memory (Wozniak, Gorzelanczyk, Murakowski, 1995).
The following equation relates R and S:
(1) R=e-k/S*t
k is a constant
t is time
By using Eqn (1) we conclude about changes
of retrievability in time at a given stability, as well as we can determine
the optimum inter-repetition interval for given stability and given forgetting
The exact algebraic shape of the function
that describes the change of stability upon a repetition is not known.
However, experimental data indicate that stability usually increases from
1.3 to 3 times for properly timed repetitions and depends on item difficulty
(the greater the difficulty the lower the increase). By providing the approximation
of the optimum repetition spacing taken from experimental data as produced
by optimization matrices of Algorithm SM-8, the
neural network can be pre-trained to compute the stability function:
(2) Si+1=fs(R,Si,D,G)
Si is stability after the i-th
R is retrievability before repetition
D is item difficulty
G is grade given in the i-th repetition
The stability function is the first function
to be determined by the neural network. The second one is the item difficulty
function with analogous input parameters:
(3) Di+1=fd(R,S,Di,G)
Di is item difficulty approximation
after the i-th repetition
R is retrievability before repetition
S is stability after the i-th
G is grade given in the i-th repetition
Consequently, a neural network with four
inputs (D,R,S and G) and two outputs (S and D) can be used to encapsulate
the entire knowledge needed to compute inter-repetition intervals (see
of the repetition spacing neural network).
The following approach will be taken
in order to verify the feasibility of the aforementioned approach:
of the neural network will be done on the basis of approximated S and D
functions derived from functions used in Algorithm
SM-8 and experimental data collected thereof.
Such a pretrained network will be implemented
as a SuperMemo Plug-In DLL that will replace
standard sm8opt.dll used by SuperMemo 8 for Windows.
The teaching of the network will continue in a real learning process in
alpha testing of the neural network DLL. A procedure designed specifically
for the purpose of the experiment will be used to provide cumulative results
and a resultant neural network. The procedure will use neural networks
used in alpha testing for training the network that will take part in beta-testing.
The alpha-testing networks will be fed with a matrix of input parameters
and their output will be used in as training data for the resultant network.
In the last step, beta-testing of the
neural network will be open to all volunteers over the Internet directly
from the SuperMemo Website. The volunteers will
only be asked to submit their resultant networks for the final stage of
the experiment in which the ultimate network will be developed. Again,
the beta-testing networks will all be used to train the resultant network.
Future users of neural network SuperMemo (if the project appears successful)
will obtain a network with a fair understanding of the human memory and
able to further refine its reactions to the interference of the learning
process with day-to-day activities of a particular student and particular
study material.
The major problem in all spacing algorithms
is the delay between comparing the output of the function of optimum intervals
with the result of applying a given inter-repetition interval in practise.
On each repetition, the state of the network from the previous repetition
must be remembered in order to generate the new state of the network. In
practise, this equates to storing an enormous number of network states
in-between repetitions.
Luckily, Wozniak’s model implies that
functions S and D are time independent (interestingly, they are also likely
to be user independent!); therefore, the following approach may be taken
for simplifying the procedure:
Time moment
Result of previous decision
Evaluation for teaching
Ei is an Error bound with Oi
(see error correction for memory stability
and error correction for item difficulty)
E'i is an Error
bound with O'i
Ii are input data at Ti
Ni is the network state at
Oi is an output decision of
Ni being given Ii, that is the decision after i-th
repetition made at Ti
O*i is an optimum
output decision, that should be obtained at Ti instead of Oi;
it can be computed from the grade and Oi (the grade indicates
how Oi should have changed to obtain better approximation)
O'i is an output
decision of Ni+1 given Ii, that is the decision after
i-th repetition that would be made at Ti+1
Ti is time of the i-th repetition
of a given item
The above approach requires only Ii-1
to be stored for each item between repetitions taking place at Ti-1
and Ti with substantial saving to the amount of data stored
during the learning process (E'i is as valuable for training
as Ei). This way the proposed solution is comparable for its
space complexity with the Algorithm SM-8! Only
one (current) state of the neural network has to be remembered throughout
the process.
These are the present implementation
assumptions for the discussed project:
neural network: unidirectional, layered,
with resilient backpropagation; an input layer with four neurons, an output
layer with two neurons, and two hidden layers (15 neurons each)
item difficulty interpretation: same as
in Algorithm SM-8, i.e. defined by A-Factor
each item stores: Last repetition date,
Stability (at last repetition), Retrievability (at last repetition), Item
difficulty, Last grade
default forgetting index: 10%
network DLL input
(at each repetition): item number and the current grade
network DLL output
(at each repetition): next repetition date
neural network DLL implementation language:
neural network DLL shell, SuperMemo 98
for Windows (same as the 32-bit SM8OPT.DLL shell)